Success Stories
We have many success stories here at LaPorte Animal Hospital. Here are a few of there stories!
Please be advised that some photos are graphic.
Summer presented to us very lethargic and not eating. Being a female dog at the age of 7 and not spayed put her at great risk. We immediately assumed infection of the uterus due to her symptoms. We performed an emergency Pyometra surgery. She had to have an abdominal drain placed due to the excessive amount of free fluid. She was hospitalized and her abdomen was drained frequently. She finally pulled through and we walked in to her standing up, wagging her tail two mornings later! Summer has had her staples removed and is now doing well at home!
Heartland Small Animal Rescue brought Tinkerbell to Dr. Canion with a severe case of globe proptosis. We suspect history of trauma or glaucoma, but she was found on the side of the road. On first presentation, the eye was not even visual because it was covered with infection. The first photo shows the recovery of the eye after the suture removal!
Tinkerbell is feeling amazing and she is thriving in her foster home.
Layla was unfortunately attacked in her own yard by another dog where a chunk of her right leg was bitten off with multiple other bite wounds on her left leg and paw pad. Amputation was the best option for Layla due to the severity of her wounds and high likelikness of infection. Once amputated, Layla was hospitalized for a couple of days and sent home with her family, only coming back for frequent laser therapies and a suture removal.
Now she is up and running around on 3 legs with seemingly no pain!
This beautiful Doberman Pinscher, Rhea, came to us after vomiting up part of a towel. Previously having two exploratory surgeries with 2 feet of intestines removed, she had to undergo a third surgery!
Rhea had to have a nasogastric tube placed before surgery because her abdomen was filled with free fluid.
Now, Rhea's lungs are clear of infection and doing well at home!